
February 19, 2024

Nikki makes plans to meet Seth, Ashley takes control, and Kyle reveals his true feelings. If we were Victor, we’d be concerned about everything from Nikki’s hand-washing to her door-closing. But in particular, it’s her decision-making that has him furrowing his brow with worry. While Victor’s at it, he might want to carve out some time for fretting over ex-wife Ashley as well. She’s going to make a choice of the dangerous variety. And speaking of putting oneself at risk… Perhaps forgetting that it’s one of the quickest ways to catch feelings, Audra lets her guard down with Tucker.

February 20, 2024

Sally gets angry with Adam, Jordan’s thrilled with Seth’s progress, and Ashley changes her tune. This is why we’re always telling our friends not to text and walk. Today, Nikki falls right into a trap. OK, so texting may have nothing to do with it. But still! Whether she really is or not, Audra likes to think of herself as always being one step ahead of everyone else. So she isn’t likely to welcome the advice she gets from Nate — especially as it’s unsolicited. Continuing to make all the right moves where his do-over with Sally is concerned, Adam goes out on a limb for the one who got away… and then came back.

February 21, 2024

Better call a referee, ’cause Jill’s gonna need one when she throws Billy and Devon a curveball. Abby has a painful reminder about her past. But which part of it? The cheating-on-Chance-with-Devon part? The sleeping-with-Sharon’s-boyfriend-Scotty part? The fling-with-a-surprise-sex-trafficker part? Need we go on? ’Cause we could. Actually, it’s probably the first option for Abby, seeing as this is about to happen, too. From the “too little, too late” files, Phyllis gives Danny a peace offering.

February 22, 2024

Since apparently not even the almighty Victor Newman’s vast array of security guards can keep Nikki safe, he’s forced to hatch a new plan to protect his better half. No need to ask, “Won’t someone think of the children?” Adam and Chelsea do exactly that as they put aside their differences in hopes of helping Connor. Awkward timing considering how close Sally and Adam have become again, but nevertheless, Nick evaluates his feelings for his last girlfriend.

February 23, 2024

Victor reminds Michael that he’s his go-to guy by going to him with a tricky assignment. Flip meets flop when Ashley has yet another change of heart. At some point, she needs to start just telling people, “Beats me, I dunno!” Catching up on her maternal hand-wringing, Victoria worries about Claire having a setback.


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  3. Bob can you restore the episodes again.The are not longer availble
