Monday, February 5, 2024

The Young and the Restless 2-6-24 Full episode Y&R 6th February 2024

The Young and the Restless 2-6-24 Full episode Y&R 6th February 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives


  1. According to VicTURD's "PI" Jordon didn't survive the fire. Boy is he in for a surprise.

  2. I love Tessa's outfit does she still making music?

    1. Interesting they seem to be giving Tessa more airtime if she will be Abby's manager. I guess this is because Mariah won't be around for awhile now that she had her baby.

  3. I wasnot expecting Jack to ask Lauren.. I never knew Lauren and Nikki to be close freinds.

  4. Jack is ridiculous! A woman who owns and runs her own company, is supposed to drop all that to become a drunks assistant? The BALLS!!
    I don't think Jack is doing Nikki any favors by covering for her azz.
    No judgment from Nick towards Adam? That's all he ever does.
    Lose the bow Abby. πŸ™„

    1. Keep the bow and lose The Naked Airhead.

    2. I thought the bow looked ridiculous.

    3. I didn't even notice the bow guess thats how much I was paying attention :P

    4. What's ridiculous is Nikki going in a bar to drink... she asked Jack for help and she goes to AA meeting, she's claiming she wanna fight because she did once and yet, she go straight to a bar to drink instead of calling Jack immediately when she has the impulsion. Doesn't seem like a woman whom wants to fight alcohol

    5. Miss_sewage clueless must be your middle name

  5. Thank you Bob πŸ’•πŸ˜˜

  6. Awwwh shucks I missed last week.
    Ashley please don't let Traci take the jet back to GC alone!
    Consider helping us out on that tiny weenie global warming thing they're talkin about?!?!?! Eyyyy?!?! ☀️ πŸ₯Ά 🌊 🌎
    Or spend all those JahBOAT πŸ’΅πŸ’΅πŸ’΅πŸ’΅ how you please ⛵✈️πŸ‘©‍✈️😫😫😫😫😫

  7. Woooowhooooo StickiNicki!!!!!! Be careful 🍺🍹🍻🍾🍷🍸πŸ₯‚ Your big bucks will draw attention you don't want. πŸ•΅️‍♂️πŸ‘️
    Standing out like a huge DILL PICKLE πŸ₯’

    1. Global warming is real and huge you stupid fuck.

  8. Thank you Bob! I cant believe Jack ask Lauren to be Nikkis assistant. But i dont mind if that means more Nikki and Lauren scenes. But there is nothing realistic about it. Hopefully Jack tells Victor the truth. Helping Nikki drink in peace is not helping

  9. This SL will end with Claire killing Jordan...

    1. Jordan accidentally kills Claire while trying to kill Victoria and Cole causing Victoria to snap and become like Victor and Adam combined at their worse.

  10. BOB The show from february 2 2024 and up , doesnt show the video . can you put febrary 2nd until the february 20th up again... please thank you
