Tuesday, February 13, 2024

The Young and the Restless 2-14-24 Full episode Y&R 14th February 2024

The Young and the Restless 2-14-24 Full episode Y&R 14th February 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives


  1. Replies
    1. Wait until Adam suggest that to Sally.. Hopefully Victor wont fold back this time.

    2. I still want Adam to shoot, runover, AND blowup Clueless Chloe like she did him.

  2. Wonder why they never change Claires cloths.. I m sure not all places you have to wear the same cloths

    1. I don't have any experience, but I would think they keep them in the same 'uniform' to keep track of them. Makes it easier not to mistake them for staff, or a visitor.

    2. Well the place that I have been in after I had my son was similar to that we could wear what ever we wanted... We just could not have certain things. but that was 20 years ago as well. Ofcourse this is a tv show so who knows lol.

    3. So true, Isabella. Who knows? Cuts down on wardrobe costs, that's for sure. :)

    4. By George Glen I do believe you nailed it. Saving on wardrobe cost.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  3. Nikki needs her makeup blended better. Looks like she fell on both sides of her face.
    Lauren going lighter and lighter with the hair.
    Haha! Nikki "ferocious". Oooooh, scary!😂🙄😏

  4. Oh, no Valentine's gifts or clothes or anything.

    1. You're right no Valentine's Day massacre on the show.

  5. Thank you Bob! I too was hoping to some valentine's Niktor scenes. Now Victor acted like a prison guard. Thank god Lauren tries to help her.

  6. Did you see the spoilers where it says Billy is going to be the one to tell Lily about what's going on with Daniel and Heather? If it's true, that's going to be fun!

    1. If accurate hopefully it happens today the real Valentines Day, and lily falls into Billy's arms just as Chelsea walks in.
